Tips for the configuration of QextserialPort library
I used QextSerialPort library for Serial communication in Qt Application.
As QextserialPort is an external library you will need to configure in pro section and provide appropriate path
for the library files
1)Download the Qextserial port library and save it in C Drive(I prefer C Drive) Download
2)After you have completed the download extract the zip file and open the file FILE).
Run the .pro file in Qt by clicking Run(or ctrl+R).After you click the run, you will get a new folder named
Inside the folder you will get your library files libqextserialport.a and libqextserialportd.a(actually inside
qextserialport-build/build) and two dll files also.
3)Copy those dll files which is present inside the qextserialport-build folder preferably to C:/Qt/2010.05/bin or you can also copy it to the system32 folder (
i.e. C:\Windows\system32)
4)Start a new QT project
5)Link the header files(.h extension) present in another folder qextserialport-1.2win-aplha.
If you Don't have any idea how to link the just copy and paste the following command in your new Qt project
Just provide path for the header files by;
"INCLUDEPATH += C:/qextserialport-1.2win-alpha
QMAKE_LIBDIR += C:/qextserialport-build/build
CONFIG(debug, debug|release):LIBS += -lqextserialportd
else:LIBS += -lqextserialport
win32: DEFINES = _TTY_WIN_"
If you find it difficult to understand them just simply copy and paste them in .pro section of your project file.
6)then you can start coding in mainwindow.cpp section only after #include <qextserialport.h>
These are the configuration that you need to setup for inorder to proper working of the Qextserialport Library.
for the library files
1)Download the Qextserial port library and save it in C Drive(I prefer C Drive) Download
2)After you have completed the download extract the zip file and open the file FILE).
Run the .pro file in Qt by clicking Run(or ctrl+R).After you click the run, you will get a new folder named
Inside the folder you will get your library files libqextserialport.a and libqextserialportd.a(actually inside
qextserialport-build/build) and two dll files also.
3)Copy those dll files which is present inside the qextserialport-build folder preferably to C:/Qt/2010.05/bin or you can also copy it to the system32 folder (
i.e. C:\Windows\system32)
4)Start a new QT project
5)Link the header files(.h extension) present in another folder qextserialport-1.2win-aplha.
If you Don't have any idea how to link the just copy and paste the following command in your new Qt project
Just provide path for the header files by;
"INCLUDEPATH += C:/qextserialport-1.2win-alpha
QMAKE_LIBDIR += C:/qextserialport-build/build
CONFIG(debug, debug|release):LIBS += -lqextserialportd
else:LIBS += -lqextserialport
win32: DEFINES = _TTY_WIN_"
If you find it difficult to understand them just simply copy and paste them in .pro section of your project file.
6)then you can start coding in mainwindow.cpp section only after #include <qextserialport.h>
These are the configuration that you need to setup for inorder to proper working of the Qextserialport Library.
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